Park Square Barristers is a highly respected chambers based in the heart of the Leeds legal district. Offering services across the fields of civil, criminal, family, regulatory and public law, their strength and breadth is unmatched on their circuit.

Branding the largest set on the circuit

Park Square Barristers was formed in 2015, following the merger of two chambers. We were appointed to develop their new identity, positioning the brand as approachable, tenacious and trustworthy. The challenge was to create an instant sense of authority, despite the lack of history behind the name.

The brand identity we produced was led by a minimal ‘P’ monogram, which was directly influenced by the name and location of the chambers. It fitted into a timeless scheme, which stood out from the more traditionally styled competitors with confidence. As part of the project, we also produced a website, signage, stationery and photographic library.